在这一集节目里,我们继续了解溥仪的一生。28岁的溥仪已经是满洲国的皇帝。他做的第一件事就是去日本表示感谢。满洲国向日本军队提供了很多资源。这些资源都被用在了战争上。1945年,战争结束。溥仪刚刚想逃去日本,却被苏联士兵逮捕。之后,他在苏联居住五年,期间出席了东京审判。国共内战之后,溥仪回到中国,在监狱度过十年。出了监狱,溥仪成了一个普通人。他开始寻找工作,还试着成立家庭。末代皇帝不复存在。 In this episode, we keep studying the life of Puyi. At the age of 28, he was already the emperor of Manchukuo. The first thing he did was to travel to Japan to express his gratitude. Manchukuo provided the Japanese army with hundreds of tons of resources all used in wars. In 1945, when the war ended, just when Puyi was about to flee to Japan, he was arrested by Soviet soldiers. Then, he lived 5 years in the Soviet Union, during which he attended the Tokyo Trial. After the civil war in China, Puyi returned, facing 10 years of prison. After that, he became a normal man. He started looking for a job and tried to start a family. The last emperor is no more. ◉ Read transcripts for free) ◉ Quizlet flashcards)
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