几乎在每个文化当中都有神话。有的神话反映出人的道德观念,比如:正义会战胜邪恶。有的神话则试图解释关于宇宙,人类的重要问题。宇宙的起点是什么?人类从哪里来?人死后又会去哪里? 了解神话会帮助你了解文化。今天Nathan就跟大家分享三个中国神话。所有中国人都知道这三个神话,例如 “盘古开天辟地” 的故事。
Almost every culture has its mythology. Some of them reflect moral standards of human society, such as: justice will prevail over evil. Some are attempts to answer important questions about the universe and human beings: What is the origin of the universe? Where do human beings come from? Where do people go when they die? Knowing mythologies will help you understand the culture. Today, Nathan will share with you three mythology stories, which every Chinese person knows, amongst which the famous "Pangu separates heaven and earth". ◉ Read transcripts for free) ◉ Quizlet flashcards)
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