成语是中国语言不可缺少的一部分。学习成语,能让你更好地了解中国的历史和文化。今天我就想跟大家分享三个成语。它们是:夸父逐日,愚公移山和磨杵成针。它们的主题都是:坚持。 Proverbs are an indispensable element of Chinese language. Studying them enables you to get a deeper understanding of Chinese history and culture. Today I would like to share 3 proverbs with you. They are: Kuafu chases the sun, Yugong moves the mountain, Grinding a metal stick to a needle. Their common theme is "Perseverance". ◉ Read transcripts for free) ◉ Quizlet flashcards)
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