中国启动社会信用体系已经几年了。起初,这也许是一个好的想法,希望鼓励人们做有信用的人。但是,随着互联网,通讯软件,摄像头的快速发展,政府可能知道我们做的每一件事,收集信息,然后给人打分。好人分一边,坏人分一边。今天,在中国,我们已经看见这样的社会。让我们看看。 It has been several years since China adopted the "Social Credit System". As good as it might seem in the beginning, which was to encourage people to be credible, yet with the development of the Internet, social network and surveillance cameras, governments might know everything that we do. They collect information, and assign scores to people, dividing people between good and bad. Today, we are already seeing such a society in China. Let's find out. ◉ Read transcripts for free) ◉ Quizlet flashcards)
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