BANJO BOWL! / Jets! / Health series! / Gabby! / Al Simmons! (1:40); Health series - Lauren on earlier screening for cancers like breast cancer (9:30); If you could change one rule or law, what would it be? (17:35); The Clayman speaks with Willie Jefferson and Brandon Alexander of the Winnipeg Blue Bombers ahead of the Banjo Bowl (26:15); BANJO BOWL PREVIEW - Doug Brown (34:05); Jets! Ice Hockey! Promotional schedule revealed, tickets for single games go on sale at noon today (45:15); Should we do earlier screening for Breast Cancer, Colon and more? (52:40); Gab with Gabby! (1:06:35); Winning story on rules you would change (1:14:00); AL SIMMONS! HATSTRAVAGANZA! ALL AL ALL THE TIME - Sep 15th at West End Cultural Centre at 2pm (1:18:00).