00:00 THE FOG!
06:54 Chris Streveler returns to the Winnipeg Blue Bombers!
10:40 World Juniors sex assault case spark calls for change in hockey culture
18:25 Strevy comes back... What's the thing / place that pulled you back in?
25:50 CFIB report in reducing admin burdens for physicians
33:07 Places that pulled us back in
34:55 Small Town Salute... To Manitoba! With CJOB legend Brian Barkley!
43:15 I'm sorry for everything': Zuckerberg among social media execs testifying before U.S. Senate / Places that pulled us back
50:25 Up-to-date estimate of out-of-hospital cardiac arrests in Canada
56:55 St. B Mega Million Choices Lottery Loyalty Bonus Deadline - visiting with mom of child who was born at 28 weeks weighing 1 pound 10 oz
1:06:30 Winner tale on something that pulled you back in