Tech outage causing chaos and mayhem around the world! And Greg's goin' to Regina for the Bomber game! (1:40); Worldwide internet outage is causing havoc with airlines, banking and retailers (9:50); Last minute cancellations for weird reasons... or FAKE cancellations (17:10); THE COUCH POTATOES! TWISTERS! Bob Newhart dead at 94, and guess which show is back??? (25:35); Is producer Jeff Fortier's A/C still down? Chat about living without A/C (35:20); "This shortens your life by 14 years" (42:40); Gab with Gabby! (53:50); Winning story on last-minute cancellations (1:00:55); Guess Who Plays the White House July 17th, 1970 (1:04:50).