BOMBERS UGH / Comedy Festival yay! / Biden...(1:40); Biden drops out of race - Global's Reggie Cecchini (8:35); Inspired by today's theme on 'hold music', what's a song you hope to never hear again? (16:20); Songs you never want to hear again / Air conditioning follow-up... is Fortier's A/C back up? Brett's is working but is overwhelmed (24:45); More discussion on Biden , with George Washington University (33:05); SPORTS! WTF BOMBERS - Bob Irving (40:20); Listener James and his amazing feedback on his trip to Regina for the Bomber game on Friday -- The smaller and subtle things he enjoyed (53:35); Winning story on the songs we never want to hear again (1:01:50); Fringe Festival show 40 Below, about two Winnipeg Transit drivers navigating the free bus night on New Year's Eve (1:06:05).