Jasper / Olympics / Deadpool & Wolverine (1:40); With the Olympics underway, ever surprise yourself with what you accomplished during a physical endeavour? On the opposite end, if you have a story of a mishap while trying a physical endeavour...(8:15); THE COUCH POTATOES! Deadpool & Wolverine set for world domination (16:05); Physical endeavour surprises (24:25); CFL world record attempt continues - Can he complete his quest this weekend by being the fastest to visit all nine CFL stadiums?? (27:45); Team 81 Ride for Parkinsons starts TOMORROW (34:05); Gab with Gabby! (39:40); Winning story on physical endeavour surprises (46:20); Review of Deadpool and Wolverine from someone who saw it last night! Power 97's Jay Richardson (51:15).