Brett's allergies are bad, long weekend forecast looks great, Greg found some amazing deals out shopping (1:40); Dumbest complaint you've ever heard, or the dumbest thing you've ever complained about (9:20); Canada Post public meeting today, and speaking of the mail, The Couch Potatoes were sent a letter that provides a head scratcher...(16:05); New data explores how AI and flexible work are impacting productivity... in a good way! (26:50); CUPW re: Canada Post Upcoming Annual Meeting (34:10); Winnipeg Jets & Manitoba Moose FAN FEST tix are available now for September 21st! (45:20); Winning dumb complaint (53:35); Quick Canada Post chat / follow-up on The Couch Potatoes mystery, lots of suggestions so far, we'll have to do some homework! (56:50).