America has always been a welcoming nation. We are a melting pot of people from different countries, ethnicities, colors, and creeds who have flocked here for the freedom and opportunity our system of government has offered. In the past, immigrants were required to prove they would not become dependent on government; that they could work and become productive members of society. Immigrants were welcomed and our nation grew stronger with their presence. Our current open border policies are weakening our nation. People are flocking here by the thousands, and our tax dollars are used to feed, house, and transport immigrants to cities across the nation. Most are not screened for diseases or criminal backgrounds. An open border invites crime, drug and sex trafficking, and allows our enemies to assimilate into society at our expense. This is a national security nightmare. Tom Homan, the former Acting Director of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), has served under six presidents and has witnessed first-hand the positive and negative effects of various immigration and border security policies. He shares with Linda his deepest fears for our nation, and his recommendations for protecting our borders while tending to the humanitarian needs of citizens and immigrants.
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