What type of legacy do you hope to leave? Will the actions you take today help to preserve freedom for the next generation? We all have a limited lifespan. What kind of impact do you hope to have on your family, employees, or others? We can use our time to grow in our relationship to God, to serve others, and to boldly stand up for the principles of truth, justice and liberty – or we can use our time to serve temporal gods of money, pleasure, or convenience. What will you choose? In this episode, dedicated to Linda’s parents, she shares examples of legacy leadership in business and at home, and encourages listeners to live boldly, with eternity in mind. True prosperity does not come from monetary gain. The true path to prosperity begins in the heart. You can create a legacy of leadership, love, and truth. Be bold. Don’t let cancel culture or naysayers intimidate you into silence. Speak up for the values that made this nation great and for the policies that have provided freedom for millions of people to flourish. When we do that, we can leave a positive generational legacy that will light the path to true freedom for the next generation.
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