Galdan Khan has slipped The Kangxi Emperor’s trap, but only by the skin of his teeth. Now having retreated deep into the heart of Central Asia, he’ll think himself safe. But the Dread Lord of Great Qing is not one to let a vendetta go so easily…
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Time Period Covered
1691-1696 CE
Major Historical Figures:
Qing Dynasty:
The Kangxi Emperor (Aisin-Gioro Xuanye) [r. 1654-1722]
Jean-Francois Gerbillon, Puritan Missionary
Tómas Pereira, Puritan Missionary
Dzungar Mongols:
Galdan, the Boshugtu Khan [r. 1679-1697]
Lamist Tibetans:
The Sixth Dalai Lama, Tsangyang Gyatso [1683- after 1706]
sDe-pa Desi Sangye Gyampo [1653-1705]
Major Sources Cited:
Perdue, Denis. China Marches West: The Qing Conquest of Central Eurasia.
Spence, Jonathan D. Emperor of China: Self-Portrait of K’ang-hsi.
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