In the aftermath of the Golden Horde's devastating strike into Eastern Europe, Christendom reels. As apocalyptic as the assaults were, the great enemy's sudden and inexplicable evaporation offers no comfort, and only more questions.
In order to get some answers, the Holy See will dispatch an unlikely candidate to make his way across the whole of Eurasia in an attempt to first find, and then meet with, the King of the Tartars - whoever, and wherever he may be...
Time Period Covered:
1245-1247 CE
Major Historical Figures:
European Christendom:
Pope Innocent IV [r. 1243-1254]
Friar Giovanni da Pian del Carpine (John of Plano Carpini) [ca. 1185-1252]
Friar Benedict of Poland [ca. 1200-ca. 1280]
Friar Stephen of Bohemia
Konrad I, High Duke of Krakow [ca. 1187-1247]
Prince Daniel Romanovich of Galacia [1201-1264]
Grand Prince Vasilko (Basil) Romanovich of Kiev [1203-1269]
Grand Prince Yaroslav II Vsevolodovich of Vladimir [1191-1246]
Mongol Empire:
Guyük Khaghan [r. 1246-1248]
Toregene Khatun [r. 1241-1246]
Batu Khan of the Golden Horde [ca. 1205-1255]
Grand Secretary Chinqai of Khwarazm
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