There are taboos around discussing certain topics, most notably sex, politics, and money. But why do we have such a taboo around money? This is based in our own money stories.
Our money story is the ingrained story that you tell yourself about money, what it is, what it isn’t, what’s wrong with it, what your capability is to earn it, and what people who have it are or are not. We all have stories about money, and these stories influence our ability to earn more of it.
In today’s episode I talk about
I recommend a classic book about money, The Science of Getting Rich (, which you can get at Amazon.
To be clear, I am NOT saying that more money will make us happier. In fact, research very clearly shows that, beyond covering our basic needs, more money doesn't necessarily make us happier. What I am saying, though, is that we should not be denying ourselves what we very well may be able to have if we get out of our own way and look at our relationship with money in a new way.
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May you live purposefully, may you love yourself, and may you love life.
Bye for now!