Being anti-racist is part of all of our purposes. It’s the only way to elevate the world. But white people aren’t experts on race, so how do I (or you, if white), do it? After the brutal murders of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor (and others) this summer, I wanted to know what I could do. Many of my white clients and listeners asked the same - where do we start? This episode gives you answers. Gives you the first -- and second and third -- steps to take. It’s our responsibility as white people to educate ourselves towards being as anti-racist as we possibly can and to use our voices for equality. Admittedly, the conversation feels hard and awkward (for me at least), but we need to have it - to see our blind spots, learn and grow. That’s what this episode is about. Feel into - how is race part of YOUR purpose? Your happiness? After the tragic murders of innocent black people during the summer of 2020, I woke up to my whiteness. As silly as this may sound, I identified so strongly with being Jewish that I didn’t actively realize that I was white. But now, I’m actively stepping into the shoes of my whiteness, and I see how if I want all women to live their dreams, I must do more for racial justice. So, I’m using my privilege – and my platform – to elevate the voices who are more expert than me. And I’m learning. Let’s learn together. Today’s PurposeGirl Podcast guests use their platform – The Kinswomen Podcast – to help educate people all over the world about racial justice conversations, communication, and marketing. Yseult Polfliet and Hannah Summerhill are great friends who help people have the difficult interracial conversations that need to be had. In this episode, they helped me share a story of racism I’ve never shared (it’s POWERFUL) and allowed me to ask them questions we all need to consider to have racial justice and to be an anti-racist.
In this episode you will:
Let’s raise our voices together!
About The Kinswomen
Yseult Polfliet and Hannah Summerhill are founders of the Kinswomen, a podcast and platform that aims to bridge the gaps between women of color and white women, and have conversations on race and racism from a place of love and compassion. Kinswomen has been named best of 2020 by Elle, Cosmo, and Marie Claire. In addition to their podcast, they facilitate anti-racism courses, and work with companies on their anti-racism journeys. You can learn more about them at, and follow them on Instagram (@the.kinswomen).
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