Did you know that most women's products, diet plans and exercise programs you may have come across in your life were actually designed with very little information on how your body really works? As a matter of fact, it was not until 1993 that the female body was even included in pharmaceutical studies – before that time, believe or not, all women related products were tested on 140 pound men! Sad but true: So much designed for women has been developed by an industry created by men decades ago.
In this episode of The PurposeGirl Podcast, I’m fortunate to be joined by Dr. Beth Westie, author of the best selling book The Female Fat Solution, the creator of the 12 Week Female Fat Solution Challenge, and the host of The Female Health Solution Podcast. Dr. Westie shares with us some solid information concerning the way our diet, sleep and stress level affects the functioning of our body, and how we can take on some easy healthy practices in order to bring some balance to our every-day life.
Dr. Westie and I discuss the following:
You can connect with Dr. Beth Westie on Instagram (@drbethwestie) and Facebook (www.facebook.com/drbethwestie), and subscribe to her YouTube channel (www.youtube.com/c/drbethwestie). You can also listen to her podcast at www.drbethwestie.com/podcast
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May you live purposefully, may you love yourself, and may you love life.
Bye for now!
About Dr. Beth Westie
Dr. Beth is the author of the Best Selling book, The Female Fat Solution, the creator of the 12 Week Female Fat Solution Challenge, and the host of The Female Health Solution Podcast. She has made it her mission to change the way women view their health. Traveling the country to educate and empower women to take their health into their own hands, she uses nutrition to help women work with the natural cycle of their bodies to achieve lasting weight loss results.