Trump: Defense production act kicked "into gear";
Nearly 1 in 5 Americans ordered to stay home amid pandemic;
Trump: No current plan for nationwide lockdown;
NY Gov. orders 100% of non-essential workers to stay home;
More than 7,000 confirmed coronavirus cases in New York;
California Gov. orders all residents to stay home - Nearly 40M people can only leave for essential reasons;
Trump says FDA will fast-track treatments for coronavirus, but months of research still ahead;
NIH studying treatment using recovered coronavirus patients;
Critical supplies running low in hospitals combating coronavirus;
Number of cases in Michigan jumps more than 400% in 48 hours;
Governors issue warnings about medical supply shortages;
Michigan Gov: "We are behind the eight ball" due to improper federal planning;
Michigan Gov asks President Trump to activate national guard;
Goldman Sachs predicts 2M+ Americans to file for unemployment this week;
Trump Admin moves IRS tax filing deadline to July 15;
Tsunami of layoffs, business closures to hit U.S. economy due to coronavirus;
Managing stress and anxiety while social distancing;
CNN Heroes: Random acts of kindness amid pandemic;
163,000 coronavirus cases, 215 deaths in the U.S.;
Dow about to close: Temporary online-only trading starts Monday;
NYC health dept. asks for a stop in testing of health care workers and first responders who don't have symptoms;
Illinois Gov issues stay-at-home order for entire state;
Illinois Health Officials: 163 new cases in the state today;
Trump touts possible drugs to treat virus; His own health officials express skepticism;
Trump attacks reporter who asked what he'd say to scared citizens;
Global death toll surpasses 11,000;
China announces no new local cases: 39 new imported coronavirus cases;
Italy announced 627 deaths in 24 hours
Nurses and doctors describe several U.S. hospitals overwhelmed with staff shortages, lack of supplies;
Longtime Registered Nurse: My hospital is in "Chaos and confusion";
Trump invokes Defense Production Act to ramp up production of ventilators, medical supplies;
U.S. military airlifts women's team from Honduras;
Senate Intel Chair asks for ethics review of his stock sales after questions raised about timing; To learn more about how CNN protects listener privacy, visit
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