We were fortunate to be joined by Sean Stannard Stockton, CIO of Ensemble Capital Management. Sean is one of the best generalist investors we know of. In this episode, Sean discusses: Running an investment firm during COVID-19; The need for companies to lead by example; The willingness to remain open minded; Thinking about serial acquirers; The potential perils of low/slow growth investing; His thoughts on position sizing; And he provides the best answer we've ever heard to an error of omission. We hope you enjoy this episode. You can find our more about Ensemble Capital Management at https://ensemblecapital.com/?gclid=Cj0KCQiA3NX_BRDQARIsALA3fIJGBM5kcERDGlwpAcPWjR2UtW6FSQCOY_6cSvZx56ss1CpDyXBAP7kaAntGEALw_wcB).