J Mintzmyer, a renowned maritime shipping analyst who directs the Value Investor's Edge) ("VIE") research platform on Seeking Alpha, returns to The Business Brew to give an update on the state of the shipping industry (and the associated stocks). This episode is meant to be listened to in conjunction with Craig Fuller’s episode in order to provide the listener with a more robust understanding of what is happening in supply chains.
In this episode J discusses many shipping specific ideas. If you are interested in J’s analysis consider subscribing to his work at Value Investor’s Edge on Seeking Alpha.
You can find a presentation J recently did at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=be5-IDIpTJw)
During the conversation the following paper is mentioned: https://www.nber.org/system/files/working_papers/w13428/w13428.pdf)
This episode is brought to you by Bastiat Partners, a boutique investment banking firm. See https://bastiatpartners.com/). Detailed show notes below.
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Album art photo taken by Mike Ando. Please see www.mikeando.com).
Thank you to @mathewpassy (on Twitter) for the show production.
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This episode is brought to you by Bastiat Partners, a boutique investment banking firm. See https://bastiatpartners.com/). Detailed show notes below.
Please leave us a rating in your favorite podcast player.
Album art photo taken by Mike Ando. Please see www.mikeando.com).
Thank you to @mathewpassy (on Twitter) for the show production.
Please leave us a rating in your favorite podcast player!
Detailed Show Notes:
3:30 - The setup for shipping
7:15 - Oil tanker overview
18:10 - Is this a uniquely good time for shipping?
19:30 - How J is thinking about a recession and the risk to shipping
25:30 - How J manages risk.
27:30 - ZIM discussion
34:30 - DAC and GSK - the leasing cos
38:00 - ZIM IPO'd at $15 and paid out more than that in dividends within a year.
41:30 - How congestion impacts shipping
46:30 - Supply side is doing the heavy lifting in shipping
53:30 - General inflation/closing discussion