Title - Austin Lieberman - Squash The Beef Description - Austin Lieberman stops by The Business Brew for a special “squash the beef” episode. Austin and Bill are mortal enemies stemming from a classic “value vs growth” bet. Please see this GoFundMe link for details https://www.gofundme.com/f/fintwit-war-value-vs-growth?utm_campaign=p_cp_url&utm_medium=os&utm_source=customer). While Austin and Bill are not actually mortal enemies, they did disagree on their investment philosophy. Austin is more focused on faster growing companies than Bill has traditionally focused on. Their style differences caused them to talk past each other. One day Austin told Bill that the problem with “value investors” is they think there’s only one way to invest. Bill realized Austin had a point, which upset Bill (mostly because he hates being wrong). That conversation sent Bill on a path to study other styles. For that, he is grateful to Austin. More importantly, Bill is also grateful to Austin’s military service. Austin served as a Tactical Air Control Party (TACP) Officer in the Air Force. He talks about how that influenced him as a person and as an investor in this episode. This conversation is light hearted, good natured, and a fun way for two people from opposite ends of the investing spectrum to come together to talk investments. We hope you enjoy and are entertained.