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So today we're gonna cover some financial side of a as well as a mental health, social help and it's kind of interesting because as we're recording Ashton is feeling a little under the weather.That's correct. Not that you'd probably go to the doctor for this normally anyways. It's a cold but it's something to be, something to think of and we might wonder why is health insurance a financial conversation? Any thoughts on that before we go too far? Because you gotta pay for it. Yeah. Hospital's expensive.There you go, it's expensive right so it's a financial just like our car insurance that we talked about before Car insurance is very much a financial conversation. You say, oh, what's my deductible? What's this and that? Well, a lot of people get nervous around car insurance. They also get nervous around health insurance So we we need to ask the right questions and sometimes we don't know all the answers I overheard Ashton ask the lady the other day a very great question when he was talking to her and said, okay Pretend like I don't know anything pretty much.Do you know do you remember exactly how you worded that question? Well, I basically because for those who don't know The marketplace for health insurance is basically a place where you go, put in all your information, and then from what I understand, they try and pair you up with insurance that is best for your financial bracket, essentially.And they... If you don't make enough money, you get put up for Medicaid or chip. And so those words, marketplace, Medicaid, chip, all that. I had no idea what they were. I just knew I was being told by my parents that I had to get it figured out. And so when I called the lady I said, okay, well, I'm here at the step where it says I have to, I'm waiting to see if I qualify for Medicaid or whatever, can you just explain to me what I'm looking at?I don't need like all the details. But I just need to understand, what we're talking about here. At that point it was just words that didn't have any definitions. Love it. Basically I was just asking for definitions at that point. Perfect. So Ashton touched on a little bit of what we're going to talk about today.We're going to talk about employer sponsored healthcare, health insurance, i. e. the marketplace, which Ashton talked about, healthcare. gov. Then it will kick over to a little bit about state based marketplaces Medicaid and what Medicaid is versus what Medicare is, what COBRA is, and then obviously private health insurance, which are all options.So the reason why this is so timely and relevant is because Ashton and I just spent some time doing that, both of us just at different levels. I found out that my insurance was going to come end. In the middle of the month, I thought it would go to the end of the month, but so I had to figure out real quick where, where I was going to get health insurance and how that was going to work out.So we've all been kind of scrambling a little bit. The reason why it's a financial decision is because to twofold getting you hit on it first hospitals are expensive, doctor bills can add up. Yes. The other one is what they call deductibles, and that's how much the insurance companies are willing to pay or that you have to pay before they're willing to take over.So there's a lot of things to consider. Some things aren't covered by deductible, like if actually, if you've got this cold and you go and buy yourself some over the counter antibiotics, will that they're not antibiotics, over the counter just cold meds, cold meds, will that count towards a deductible?
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