cover of episode  053|「弟弟」: 男孩在东亚家庭学会爱 Dìdi: Coming of age in the summer of 2008

053|「弟弟」: 男孩在东亚家庭学会爱 Dìdi: Coming of age in the summer of 2008

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疲惫娇娃 CyberPink

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
本片讲述了13岁台裔美国男孩Chris在2008年暑假的成长故事,涵盖了初恋、家庭冲突、身份认同等多个方面。导演巧妙地运用2008年互联网元素,展现了Chris在那个时代背景下成长的独特经历,以及他与父母、姐姐和朋友之间复杂的关系。影片中,Chris在互联网上寻找认同感,试图模仿成年男性,但最终在与朋友和母亲的互动中,逐渐认识到健康的男性气质和家庭关系的重要性。 影片中,母亲的角色至关重要。她对Chris的爱是无条件的,即使Chris对她表现出不满和轻视,她依然给予他包容和理解。母亲的角色也展现了东亚移民女性在家庭中的困境和牺牲,以及她们对孩子的深沉的爱。 此外,影片还探讨了东亚家庭中存在的重男轻女现象,以及由此带来的家庭成员之间的矛盾和冲突。姐姐的角色虽然戏份不多,但却展现了她在家庭中的边缘化地位和内心的挣扎。她对弟弟的爱和包容,以及她最终离开家庭的决定,都引发了观众的思考和共鸣。 总而言之,《弟弟》是一部充满细节和情感的电影,它展现了2008年东亚移民家庭少年的成长与自我认同,以及家庭成员之间复杂的关系。影片中,导演巧妙地运用镜头语言和叙事手法,展现了主人公内心的挣扎和成长,以及他与周围环境的互动。影片的成功之处在于,它不仅展现了主人公的个人成长,也引发了观众对家庭、文化和社会等更广泛问题的思考。

Deep Dive


Shownotes Transcript

【聊了什么The What】

疲惫娇娃的这期节目聊了在美国上映的电影“Didi (弟弟)”。这部电影探讨了成长的阵痛和13岁的男主角在加州的移民身份的问题。它是台裔导演王湘圣Sean Wang的长篇初作,也是一部自传性质的作品。故事围绕一个13岁的台裔美国男孩Chris展开。在2008年短短两个月的暑假里,他经历了初恋、与家人的矛盾、对自我身份的迷惘,以及发现了对视频制作和滑板的热爱。

我们从”Dìdi 弟弟”这个电影名开始,聊了聊了我们对于这部怀旧青春电影的回应。故事中隐藏的重男轻女的情节和男孩在网络上的成长,都在我们自己作为90后的成长轨迹中有迹可循。

In this episode, we discuss the recently released film "Dìdi" (meaning "little brother" in Chinese). This coming-of-age story explores the growing pains of its 13-year-old protagonist the summer before starting high school in Fremont, California. The film marks the directorial debut of Taiwanese-American filmmaker Sean Wang and draws heavily from his own experience. The narrative centers on Chris, a 13-year-old Taiwanese-American boy, during a transformative two-month summer vacation in 2008. Throughout this brief period, Chris navigates his first love, family conflicts, identity confusion, and discovers his passion for videography and skateboarding. Starting with the film's title "Didi," we share our thoughts on this nostalgic youth drama. The subtle themes of gender and the boy's growth in the early digital age resonate with our own experiences as old millennials. The story's portrayal of gender bias within East Asian families and the protagonist's online coming-of-age journey mirror aspects of our own upbringings.

【时间轴 The When】

- 05:38) 《弟弟》:一部关于2008年的怀旧电影

- 16:28) 光标和键盘,PC和社交媒体,这个故事关于被互联网养大的我们

- 23:25) "Bro, that's so weird!":电影通过bro来传达健康的男性气质?

- 30:36) 陈冲的母亲角色:无条件的爱与包容

- 40:39) 东亚式养育剧本:缺席的父亲、受困的母亲、离开的姐姐,和疼爱孙子的祖母

- 01:08:38) 两代台湾导演的自传式电影对比,”来自女性的照料“如何被男性创作者们看到

- 05:38) didi is a nostalgic film set in 2008

- 16:28) the story explores how our generation was raised by the internet, featuring cursors, keyboards, PCs, and early social media

- 23:25) the film may be attempting to convey healthy masculinity through the use of "bro" culture

- 30:36) Joan Chen portrays a mother figure characterized by unconditional love and acceptance

- 40:39) the movie presents a typical East Asian family dynamic with an absent father, a trapped mother, a departed sister, and a doting grandmother

- 01:08:38) a comparison with autobiographical works by different generations of Taiwanese directors, particularly in how male creators depict care from women

【疲惫红书 CyberRed】


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