Drake擅长创作流行音乐,歌曲节奏感强,适合夜店和健身房播放,而Kendrick Lamar的音乐更具实验性,歌词深度丰富,常涉及种族、社会运动等议题,专辑具有连贯性,像一部电影或小说。
Kendrick Lamar的音乐不仅实验性强,还直接对话种族、社会运动、贫困和暴力等议题。他的歌词颠覆了传统嘻哈的“tough guy”形象,展现了他作为康普顿底层的声音,表达了他对黑人文化的深刻理解和守护。
《Not Like Us》节奏性强,歌词指控Drake对嘻哈文化的利用,并在六月节演唱会上引发广泛关注,成为夏季的流行文化象征。Kendrick通过这首歌强调了嘻哈文化的边界感,并引发了关于嘻哈文化全球化的讨论。
女性艺术家如Charli XCX和Lorde通过对话和合作来处理冲突,而不是像男性说唱歌手那样通过互相攻击。她们选择不参与“撕头花”的游戏,而是通过合作歌曲表达彼此的理解和共存。
【聊了什么The What】
纠结了一个夏天,我们还是决定聊一聊Drake和Kendrick的Rap Beef(说唱对决)。对于在国内长大的小杨和一芳来说,来到美国之后面对着从“从未考虑过种族“到迷迷糊糊开始思考自己身份的漫长成长过程。而这个成长过程中很重要的文本就是说唱音乐——更具体地说,是Kendrick Lamar的音乐。 这场Rap Beef不仅仅是两个天才创作者之间争夺影响力的创作对决,还掀起了遍布各个角落的涉及嘻哈文化、性别、种族、艺术创作与商业成功之间的大讨论。在这场rap battle中,多首音乐被制作出来,随着battle的火力程度升级,家暴、恋童等指控成为歌词里面乱飞的字母武器。 这些男性rappers们在个人恩怨中提出的未经证实的指控,是在保护真实的女性,还是名人男性之间相互利用对方对于失去名利的恐惧?这些看似正义的歌词其实与受伤的女性无关?嘻哈音乐是否有内生的厌女倾向,还是它只是反映了手握资源的人们对女性困境的不为所动?
As a pop culture podcast, we can’t not talk about one of the biggest cultural moments in hip hop (and beyond): the infamous rap battle between Drake and Kendrick Lamar. But for us here at Cyberpink, dissecting this rap beef goes further than just chronologically listing out who dropped what song when, or the cultural significance of “Not Like Us.” When we first experienced racialization as young immigrants, Kendrick’s profound lyrics were part of the canonical texts we read to understand race and identity in the U.S. Kendrick vs. Drake goes beyond two rappers showing off their creative chops -- it started a whole conversation around how we should consume and evaluate hip hop culture. As insults were traded and the battle escalated, accusations of domestic violence and pedophilia became lyrical weapons casually thrown around; no women or child was spared as partners, sons, daughters, and parents got dragged into the mix. Are these unverified accusations meant to protect real women, or are the two rap stars using each other’s fragile ego and fear of losing fame or wealth for their own gain. What are they gaining -- clout or their name in history as the winner? And at what cost -- women who get caught in the crossfire and further extending hip-hop’s inherent misogynistic tendencies? Is this whole showdown an indication that those with resources are indifferent to women's plight? It’s our job as culture consumers to ask these tough questions. Tune in for our discussion.
【时间轴 The When】
- 00:00:39) Drake与Kendrick Lamar的说唱对决的前因后果
- 00:04:57) Drake: 来自加拿大的混血童星和“说唱界变色龙”
- 00:12:44) Kendrick Lamar: 来自康普顿底层的声音,rap即诗歌,也是黑人文化的守护者
- 00:18:05) 这场battle开始来真的: 音乐创作中开始出现大量个人攻击,战情升级
- 00:25:56) "Family Matters"与"Meet the Grahams": 当家庭成为歌词中的战场
- 00:31:57) "Not Like Us"和说唱音乐的性别困境
- 00:41:06) 女艺术家们如何battle: Charli XCX和Lorde的和解
- 01:00:10) 怎么办,我最爱的音乐人是一个艺术怪物
- 00:00:39) Drake vs. Kendrick: how the rap battle started
- 00:04:57) Drake: A biracial child star from Canada and too much of a chameleon?
- 00:12:44) Kendrick Lamar: A voice from Compton, rap as poetry, and guardian of Black culture
- 00:18:05) The battle gets real: Music creations start to include numerous personal attacks, escalating tensions
- 00:25:56) "Family Matters" and "Meet the Grahams": When family becomes a battlefield in lyrics
- 00:31:57) "Not Like Us" and hiphop culture’s gender problem
- 00:41:06) Female artists beef differently: The reconciliation between Charli XCX and Lorde
- 01:00:10) What if your favorite artist is an art monster
【拓展链接 The Links】
Survivor Trauma Cannot Be Treated as Just Another Bar in a Rap Battle)
Drake and Kendrick Lamar Is the Last Great Rap Beef. Thank God.)
Every Drake-Related Easter Egg In Kendrick Lamar’s “Not Like Us” Music Video)
【结尾音乐 The Song】 Women by Little Simz
【疲惫红书 CyberRed】
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