cover of episode  047 | 妻子三部曲 3: 女性创作者的终极问题 Wife Trilogy Part III: The Ultimate Question for Women Creatives

047 | 妻子三部曲 3: 女性创作者的终极问题 Wife Trilogy Part III: The Ultimate Question for Women Creatives

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【聊了什么The What】


然而这期播客可能是我们四个在人生这个阶段录的最重要的一期播客之一 —— 这期播客让我们反思了作为一个有强烈创作欲望,但同时有妻子和母职需要履行的女性应该如何兼容这这些极端的角色。

为了准备这期播客,我们一起读了三本关于女性创作的书:讲述奥威尔妻子艾琳的Wifedom,讲述作家乔治·艾略特的The Marriage Question,和讲述“成为怪物的艺术家”的Monsters: A Fan's Dilemma。许多伟大的男性艺术家背后都有默默付出的妻子,而女性一旦成为母亲往往就被吸干注意力,失去创作的空间。这三本书中被抹去的女性、挣扎的女性、和小心翼翼担忧成为怪物母亲的女性们,都在试探着自我实现和作为妻子/母亲这两者的边界。

同时,我们也通过观察Ursula Le Guin等等女性作者的生命历程和创作历程拷问"伟大的母亲"的角色。当一个伟大的母亲需要为了自己的创作而"离开",怎么办?在资本主义效率至上的逻辑下,母亲的付出被视为理所当然,价值也被剥夺,但我们是否应该反思和重估母职劳动的价值?

This is the final episode of the "Wife Trilogy," a series that takes the highly familiar social role of the "wife" as its central focus. This topic encompasses our contemplations on the profound implications of being a wife.

However, this podcast episode may well be one of the most significant we have recorded at this stage of our lives. It prompts us to reflect on how an individual with a fervent creative drive can possibly reconcile with the rigid social demands of that of a wife.

In preparation, we collectively delved into three books exploring women's creative pursuits: "Wifedom," chronicling the story of Eileen, the wife of George Orwell; "The Marriage Question," illuminating the private life of novelist George Eliot; and "Monsters: A Fan's Dilemma," examining the notion of the "monstrous female artist." Many great male artists have benefited from the silent sacrifices of their wives, while women, upon becoming mothers, often find their creative energies drained and mental space constricted.

By observing the lives and creative trajectories of women authors such as Ursula Le Guin, among others, we interrogate the notion of the "great mother." Can a good mother just "leave" to pursue her artistic endeavors? Under the capitalist system of efficiency, a mother's contributions are taken for granted, their value stripped away. Should we not re-evaluate and reappraise the worth of maternal labor and how it is actually a fiercely and terrifyingly intellectual pursuit?

【时间轴 The When】

06:50) Wifedom:作家奥威尔的妻子艾琳为他创造写作条件,自己的才华却被埋没, 自己的存在被抹去

19:00) The Marriage Question:女性作家乔治·艾略特挑战传统,但也试图符合把自己塞入拧巴的”人妻“角色

30:50) Monsters: A Fan's Dilemma: 女性艺术家最大的"罪行"被视为忽视不好好做一个母亲

39:00) 母职和创作是一个互不兼容的死结吗?

51:30) Ursula Le Guin:重新审视持家和养育的意义,它是人类最古老、最伟大、最重要、也对智识要求最高的的劳作

06:50) Wifedom: Story of Eileen O‘Shaughnessy, how she created the conditions for George Orwell’s writing while her own talents were buried

19:00) The Marriage Question: How George Eliot challenged societal traditions but also struggled to conform to society's expectations of a wife

30:50) Monsters: A Fan's Dilemma: The greatest crime of female artists is neglecting her children

39:00) Is balancing motherhood and creative work impossible?

51:30) Ursula Le Guin: Reexamining the meaning of homemaking and childrearing, which are among humanity's oldest and most important labors

【拓展链接 The Links】

Wifedom: Mrs. Orwell's Invisible Life)

The Marriage Question)

Monsters: A Fan's Dilemma)

Biography of X)

The Creative Act: A Way of Being)

Ursula Le Guinn: Words Are My Matter)

【疲惫红书 CyberRed】


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