cover of episode  044 | 妻子三部曲 1:美国“传统妻道“的回魂 Wife Trilogy Part I:  The Return of “Trad Wife”

044 | 妻子三部曲 1:美国“传统妻道“的回魂 Wife Trilogy Part I: The Return of “Trad Wife”

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疲惫娇娃 CyberPink

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【聊了什么The What】

写在前面: 💡感谢女性情趣品牌「大人糖」赞助本期节目(此处应有掌声),疲惫娇娃听众应该都比较熟悉的老朋友。距离上一次我们和她们合作已经过去了一年。恰逢520即将到来,借着这次契机,争取到了一次难得的福利,不如趁现在送自己或者伴侣一份特别的礼物,收获一份美妙绝伦的感受!

正文: 这是"疲惫娇娃Wife三部曲"的第一部,我们想聊聊近年来在社交媒体上备受关注的"Trad wife" (传统妻子) 现象。

20世纪50年代的美国郊区是一个我们都熟知的画面:白色别墅、核心家庭、金发红唇的家庭主妇形象在宽敞光洁的厨房中忙碌,这幅画面饱含着阶级和政治色彩。对于这样传统家庭、传统妻子的怀念变成了一场运动,近年重新出现在年轻女性的社交媒体中,形成了"Trad wife热潮",影响越来越多年轻女性。”传统妻子“不仅是一种审美风格,更蕴含意识形态内涵以及一系列生活方式和宗教信仰。这股潮流的走红与当代女权主义相互碰撞,反映出女性在家庭、疫情、经济等层面所面临的困境,以及她们"拥抱传统"以求解脱的天真想法。

疲惫娇娃的几个娃将分析Trad wife在当代互联网上的细分门类(到底有多少种trad wife想卖给我们货???!!!),以及不同年龄段受众人群的特点,以及这一兼具审美与意识形态内核的复杂现象。

Today we want to dive into the deep internet rabbit hole of "Trad Wife" -- short for traditional wife, this social media phenomenon has taken the world by storm, and we want to unpack it all.

To talk about trad wives, we first have to time travel back to the emergence of the American suburb in the post-war 1950s, the image of the white-picket-fence home, the nuclear family, and the blonde, ruby-lipped housewife that's imbued with class and political undertones. This visually evocative image has resurfaced in recent years on social media, sparking a discussion on the deeper socioeconomic and political undertones of the trad wife revival.

In this episode, we unpack how the trad wife trend is not merely an aesthetic style but also an ideological core with a religious and politically conservative undertone. The rise of this online movement has collided with contemporary feminism, reflecting the challenges women face on various fronts, including balancing family and work, surviving the pandemic, participating in the economy, as well as their naïve embrace of tradition as a means of emancipation.








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image.png 【时间轴 The When】

0:00 “美国娇妻” trad wife是一种寄居在社交媒体和年轻人头脑中的意识形态

3:23 市面上有哪些不同的trad wife?

06:00) 大人糖产品部分

14:44) 社交媒体上的娇妻生活为什么有如此大的吸引力?娇妻生活的美学对普通人来说是一种对现实生活的逃避

18:41) 娇妻生活“道德自洽”吗?

19:25) 为什么娇妻生活让许多人生气?一场对传统妻子母亲的角色扮演

24:33) 这场建立在隐形劳动上的“美学运动”事关选择

44:39) 娇妻vs网红,如何在带货的同时带动价值观

47:45) Trad wife背后的白人怀旧情结

00:00) Trad wife is an ideology

03:23) What are the different types of ‘trad wives’?

14:44) The appeal of the trad wife lifestyle -- escapism from reality as an aesthetic

18:41) The moral consistency of being a trad wife

19:25) Trad wife / mom-influencer as performance

24:33) An aesthetic built on invisible household labor

44:39) Tradwife influencing is a privilege

47:45) white nostalgia, and conservatism behind the trad wife phenomenon

【拓展链接 The Links】

The Rise and Fall of the Trad Wife)

#TradWife Life as Self-Annihilation)

The Edenic Allure of Ballerinafarm)

The trad mom promise of a "perfectly balanced world")

Why are so many momfluencers Mormon?)

Wellness Mommy Bloggers and the Cultish Language They Use)

【疲惫红书 CyberRed】


Apart from the podcast, we have set up an official account on Xiaohongshu. We will periodically post content such as “CyberPink Reading,” “CyberPink Watching,” “CyberPink Traveling,” “CyberPink Vlog,” and more. Those are lighter, more fun and more experimental stuff about our lives. Leave us some comments on Xiaohongshu!

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