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Market Overview
This is election week as of right now there is still no decision on who the next President is. This creates uncertainty in the market, the market does not like uncertainty. So the question is how do I invest in the current market conditions? Let me walk you through what you should consider doing! SPY, VVC
Clean Energy
Another company has entered the space of Electric Vehicles! Should you invest in it? Is there a better play? On Trending Thursday we have a watchlist of stocks to consider. Come check it out! WKHS, NIO, FSR
Rising Industries
I would like to show more of the power of the VectorVest system weekly! I will show you how easily you can pinpoint what industry is rising the fastest, anytime you want to know!
Growth Stocks
I know many of you are looking for stocks to hold for their growth potential. VectorVest has several different ways to help you find and invest in those stocks. This week I will reveal one of those ways! You really don’t want to miss this!
VVNation Stock Picks
Stocks of Interest
This week I have some stocks that you really need to pay attention to. Remember we all should be striving to buy low and sell high. ACB, ROOT, PLTR, NCLH, RCL, AVGO