The episode faced delays due to a recording accident where one of the hosts' audio tracks was lost. Additionally, the hosts fell ill and went on a trip, further delaying the editing process. The backup audio was deemed unusable, leading to the decision to scrap the episode.
The challenge was to eat a new type of pizza, specifically one that the participants had never tried before. This was the only significant focus of the unaired episode.
One host tested positive for COVID-19, influenza A, influenza B, and had a streptococcus infection simultaneously. Another host also contracted COVID-19 but only tested positive for that. Both have since recovered, with symptoms like fever and dry cough lasting around 10 days.
The series is significant for its portrayal of Shanghai culture, particularly through its use of Shanghainese dialect and its depiction of local life. It has sparked discussions among Shanghai natives and others, highlighting the city's unique linguistic and cultural identity.
The challenge for the next episode is to draw a dragon, inspired by the upcoming Lunar New Year, which is the Year of the Dragon. The hosts emphasize that the drawing should not be done using AI to avoid creating something resembling the dragon used by CCTV.
Nice Try 是一个中文闲聊播客,也是一个游戏。几乎每周,四个朋友隔空聊天,分享过去几天中的「Happy Hour」,提出挑战,随时跑题。在各大播客平台搜索 NiCE TRY 即可收听,也欢迎登陆我们的官方网站,那里可以找到全部往期节目。 我们的邮箱是[email protected],欢迎写信来。
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