Aaron and Brian talk about the evolution of Cloud Computing over that past 6+ years - The pace of change, the impact of open source and foundations, the critical elements of public cloud, and what has been a surprise. Show Links:
**Show Notes:********Topic 1 **- We’re done nearly 7 days of shows (~160hrs), had 30 companies acquired, and over 3M+ listens. Thank you to everyone that listens and tells a friend. Rate the show on iTunes!Topic 2 - Looking back at the last 6+ years, what has surprised you the most or been the most expected? Pace of change? Rise of public cloud?
Topic 3 - Follow the money - How has VC funding been tracking? What about exits?
Topic 4 - We’ve both now worked in open source. What impact have you seen this have on the tech industry? Interesting chart) from Joseph Jacks about OSS-centric startups
Topic 5 - The divide between those on the cloud bandwagon (e.g. meetups, AWS/Serverless/CNCF events) and those not (e.g. Interop) seems to be growing. The revenues don’t exactly track this, but how do you see the next 3-5 years of the industry playing out for people in the industry?
Topic 6- Where are we thinking about going with the show? AI, Business-Centric SaaS Apps, Multi-Cloud realities (or horrors)
Topic 7- Let’s end on something boring. There has been some talk about the need to make some element of technology boring) (e.g. infrastructure). Do you think that’s possible in the competitive technology markets? We’ve seen on smartphones, virtualization, etc.