SHOW: 431DESCRIPTION: Greg Knieriemen (@knieriemen, Director of Technology Evangelism at @NetApp) talks about the growing importance of data to reshape business, emerging data trends and standards, working around 5G networks and more.
**Topic 1 **- Welcome back to the show. For anyone that doesn’t know you, tell us a little bit about your background, and some of the areas you focus on now.
**Topic 2 **- Let’s start by having an executive-level discussion about “data”. Everyone loves talking about developers and applications, but how do you explain to an executive about the value of managing data as a core business asset? What makes data so valuable in 2020?
**Topic 3 **- The world used to be “big servers” + “big relational database” + “storage array”. Now that model is blow up into 100s of distributed elements, lots of technology choices, lots of locations. Is there a way to think about data in these distributed models?
**Topic 4 **- What are some of the emerging data standards that people should be aware of, or learning more about? [alternatives to 5G)]
Topic 5 - Data moved from a cost “liability” a while ago, to an “asset” as we started talking about Data Lakes and AI/ML models. Have you found any metrics or conversations that people understand (in the “analytics context”) about how we justify keeping data - or trying to acquire more data.
**Topic 6 **- We’ve got cheaper ways to store data, faster networks coming (e.g. 5G, alternative options) and cheaper/faster CPUs (e.g. ARM). When these dynamics change, new things emerge that we’ve never thought of before. Are you starting to hear people discuss interesting new business ideas yet?