"Everyone knows about St. Patrick – the man who drove the snakes out of Ireland, defeated fierce druids in contests of magic, and used the shamrock to explain the Christian Trinity to the pagan Irish. It’s a great story, but none of it is true. The real story – slavery, escape, murder, and the struggles of faith against all odds – is much better." A description of the book, "St. Patrick of Ireland" a biography by Dr. Phillip Freeman - a Classics Professor at Pepperdine University. We are delighted to have Dr. Freeman on The Hamilton Review Podcast this week to discuss his wonderful book about St. Patrick! You will learn a wealth of information in this episode - a lot of myths about St. Patrick that aren't accurate. Enjoy the true story from Dr. Freeman, who received his PhD in Classical and Celtic studies from Harvard University. He is also the author of over twenty books and the Fletcher Jones Chair of Humanities at Pepperdine University in Malibu, California. How to contact Dr. Phillip Freeman: Dr. Phillip Freeman website) How to contact Dr. Bob: Dr. Bob on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChztMVtPCLJkiXvv7H5tpDQ) Dr. Bob on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/drroberthamilton/) Dr. Bob on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bob.hamilton.1656) Dr. Bob's Seven Secrets Of The Newborn website: https://7secretsofthenewborn.com/) Dr. Bob's website: https://roberthamiltonmd.com/) Pacific Ocean Pediatrics: http://www.pacificoceanpediatrics.com/)