This week on The Hamilton Review Podcast, we are honored to welcome BACK for the second time to the show, Dr. Nina Shapiro! If you missed the first conversation which aired in 2020, go back and listen HERE) to Dr. Shapiro discuss her best selling book, "Hype." In this conversation, Dr. Shapiro discusses her latest book, "The Ultimate Kids' Guide to Being Super Healthy: What You Need to Know About Nutrition, Exercise, Sleep, Hygiene, Stress, Screen Time and More." This is a wonderfully written book for kids and parents and a great conversation with Dr. Shapiro and Dr. Bob - don't miss this episode! Dr. Nina Shapiro is a Pediatric Ear, Nose and Throat Surgeon and author of "HYPE" and "The Ultimate Kids' Guide to Being Super Healthy." She is Professor Emerita at UCLA, where she was Director of Pediatric Otolaryngology for 25 years. She is currently a Pediatric Ear, Nose and Throat Surgeon at Westside Head and Neck, located in Santa Monica and Culver City. Dr. Shapiro is passionate about helping non-medical audiences, from kids to adults, understand basic to complex issues regarding health and medicine. How to contact Dr. Nina Shapiro: Dr. Shapiro's official website) Dr. Shapiro on Facebook) Dr. Shapiro on Instagram) Dr. Shapiro on Threads) Dr. Shapiro on X) How to contact Dr. Bob Hamilton: Dr. Bob on YouTube: Dr. Bob on Instagram: