This week we are honored to welcome pediatric neurosurgeon, Dr. David Bonda to The Hamilton Review Podcast! In this in depth conversation Dr. Bonda covers many topics including epilepsy, concussions and brain tumors. Parents, don't miss this important episode. Dr. Bonda is a native of Cleveland, Ohio. He received his BA in neuroscience at The University of Pennsylvania and his MD at Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine. After completing his neurosurgical residency training at The Donald and Barbara Zucker School of Medicine at Hofstra/Northwell, he went on to complete his fellowship in pediatric neurosurgery at The University of Washington/Seattle Children’s Hospital. At Cedars-Sinai/Guerin Children’s, Dr. Bonda runs the surgical epilepsy program along with pediatric epileptologist Dr. Debbie Holder where they provide comprehensive epilepsy care for patients with drug resistant epilepsy. He also runs an intracranial recording research lab investigating the single neuron correlates of cognitive control in pediatric patients. How to contact Dr. David Bonda: Dr. Bonda at Cedars-Sinai) How to contact Dr. Bob: Dr. Bob on YouTube: Dr. Bob on Instagram: Dr. Bob on Facebook: Dr. Bob's Seven Secrets Of The Newborn website: Dr. Bob's website: Pacific Ocean Pediatrics: