Marketing and communications are all about change. Whether it's changing the perception of a brand in the marketplace; changing the value of a sales pipeline; or in the case of Girish and his clients, driving change in the behaviours of society. You read that right. Balachandran, who I worked with at large agencies in London, has moved to India and set up an agency that uses the skills he gained in blue-chip marketing and communications programmes to deliver positive change in society.
In this episode, we talk about some of the projects he's been involved in such as working with Sesame Street to address the growing problem of childhood obesity in India. We look at his work with CocaCola, Cisco, The Gates Foundation and a host of Indian start-ups too.
We also explore what it's been like for Girish to set up a brand new agency. The challenges of running a small shop, versus his background working for agencies owned by the big holding companies. Finally, we look at the media landscape in India and how that compares to the UK. It's a massive country with a complex media landscape, so there are some insights useful for anyone thinking of working in the subcontinent.
Resources Girish Mentions in the Show:
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