Queen comforters new/used, 4 pair custom drapes, teal/lt. brown; quilting fabric. Pyrex glass dishes; size 8 ladies clothes; salt/pepper sets; large bag of crochet yarn. 251-288-7582. Call for price One grave plot in Valhalla Cemetery. 251-455-8069 Rare Magnolia Home print pictures in heavy gold frames, set of three. 0. 251-689-0834 Clay Boss potter’s wheel, 8 years old, used 6 times, good cond. Paid 0, asking 0. 251-463-5738 Two grave plots in Pine Crest Cemetery located on Dauphin Island Prkwy. 251-599-0452 dozen eggs. 251-847-3028 2 old iron Dutch ovens with lids. One lid black iron, one lid glass. for...
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