cover of episode Legals


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The South Alabamian News Podcast

Shownotes Transcript

BID NOTICESADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDSNotice is hereby given that Old LineWater Authority will receive sealedbids for the following described workat their office at 110 East ClevelandStreet, Jackson, Alabama 36545,until 2:00 p.m., local time, Monday,December 23, 2024, then publiclyopened and read:WATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTSWATER SUPPLY WELL AND WELLHOUSEAnd other necessary items.Bidders for this project are notifiedthat they are required to purchaseAmerican-made equipment and products with the funding provided underthe DWSRF program in accordancewith the provisions included in the biddocuments.Plans and specifications may beinspected and obtained at the officeof Speaks & Associates, ConsultingEngineers, Inc., 732 Oak Circle DriveWest, Mobile, Alabama 36609. Adeposit of 0.00...


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