BID NOTICESADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDSNotice is hereby given that Old LineWater Authority will receive sealedbids for the following described workat their office at 110 East ClevelandStreet, Jackson, Alabama 36545,until 2:00 p.m., local time, Monday,December 23, 2024, then publiclyopened and read:WATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTSWATER SUPPLY WELL AND WELLHOUSEAnd other necessary items.Bidders for this project are notifiedthat they are required to purchaseAmerican-made equipment and products with the funding provided underthe DWSRF program in accordancewith the provisions included in the biddocuments.Plans and specifications may beinspected and obtained at the officeof Speaks & Associates, ConsultingEngineers, Inc., 732 Oak Circle DriveWest, Mobile, Alabama 36609. Adeposit of 0.00...
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