《独活女子的推荐》是一部东京电视台出品的小成本深夜档,由江口德子出演,讲述了一位选择独自探索好吃、好玩的地方的东京女子的故事。这部日剧是这段日子中的避风港,它温润、柔软、有趣,记录了一座城市可以拥有的模样。ソロ活女子のススメ, a low-budget night-time TV show that first aired last year is an unlikely refuge for me during this strange time. The Recommendations by A Solo-acted Woman follows 五月女 san as she explores her city and tries fun activities that are deemed impossible for an individual to enjoy. I love how it focuses on the delight of mindfulness - to pay attention to the details of life, be it the texture of beef at a barbeque restaurant, the movement of an eagle at the zoo, the touch of wind miles high in the sky, the warm services by staffs of hotels, gyms, and saunas, the sheer pleasure of being inspired by the recommendations by strangers on how to discover beauty in life. It is a reminder of what urban life looks like. The possibilities it offers, the conveniences it promises, and the kindness between its people.This lovely TV show is like a head massage - you don't want to miss it.01:01 Status quo of Shanghai09:55 Here starts the main partMusicThe Kids Are All Dying by FinneasCrush by _marioCloudy Sky by Tundra BeatsWalking Through My Dream by Liz Fohl