这一集,我与烂木头一起来聊聊一部电影《前程似锦的女孩》,这部电影由凯瑞•穆里根主演,是《杀死伊芙》第二季的制片人Emerald Fennell的第一部剧情长片。这部讲述女性复仇的影片究竟看了让人拍手称快,还是一部撒着喜剧糖霜的悲剧?使用流行歌曲会不会削弱为好友复仇的沉重主题?这部充满糖果色的影片竟让烂木头想起了金基德电影中不按常理出牌的救赎戏份?反高潮的结局中是否暗含希望的种子?Hello! In this episode, I've invited Lassie to join me in discussing Promising Young Woman, a film starring Carey Mulligan and is the first feature film by British director/writer/author/actress Emerald Fennell. She is a show runner for Killing Eve S2 and plays the part of the Duchess of Cornwell in the Crown. You might spot a girl like Cassie in a Friday night club. She's wasted – apparently, phoneless and friendless. 'Do you need help?' you ask and she takes the favor. Minutes later when you tell the cab driver to change the destination to your place, it is, however, you who have no idea how this night will unfold.We talk about how we love the unforgettable character Cassie yet can't help but feel doubtful of her motivation and if her plan can actually work. We try to read behind this enigmatic title, and discuss the costumes, music, and cinematography. Lassie also compares the film with Samaritan Girl《撒玛利亚女孩》and Pieta《圣殇》by Korean director Ki-duk Kim(金基德), drawing attention to the atonement between women.While Cassie is not a good model, PYW is hilarious and heart-breaking at the same time; it is urgent and thoughtful. Highly recommended!01:40 Spoilers - film introduction13:17 Why the film is called Promising Young Woman when Cassie is neither promising nor young20:49 Cassie's behavior reminds Lassie of what happens between the female characters in Ki-duk Kim's Samaritan Girl and Pieta.32:06 Warning from Lassie: Do not follow Cassie's actions! They can be dangerous to you. 32:45 The relationship between Ryan and Cassie is a false glimmer. 43:15 Catherine finds hope from a lineless small character.musicToxic by Britney SpearsLast Laugh by FletcherLassie is the co-host of Rotten Cherry (search 一车烂话),a talk-show which you can find on almost any podcast platform. Go give them a follow!