这期节目回顾了2010年的电影《别让我走》,电影改编自石黑一雄的同名小说,讲述了在一所乡村寄宿学校中长大的孩子们与一般人类不同的一生。这部老片用极简风格讲述了一个惊悚而发人深思、看似“科幻”其实切近的故事,很被打动。主要谈了谈自己对于片名“别让我走”的理解。文稿可以在我的公号“敏彻斯特”找到。感谢收听,期待你的反馈!I reviewed the 2010 film Never Let Me Go adapted from the Kazuo Ishiguro's now classic fiction imagining the life of a group of human clones, recording their life's path from a boarding school called Hailsham to where they 'complete'. I was impressed by the profound and empathetic story and mesmerized by the film's simple style. I discussed my understanding of the film/book's title.MusicRachel Portman - Main TitlesJane Monheit,Rachel Portman - Never Let Me Go