When the pressure is on and the bills are piling up, it can be tempting to focus on the here and now, today's problems and tomorrow's worries. But friend, if we are doing business for the Kingdom of God, we can't get caught up in the troubles of today!
In this episode, I take a look at Genesis 25 and talk about why we have to keep the right perspective and focus on our long-term impact as Christian business owners!
Register for my free workshop, Map Out Your Faith-Filled 2023, happening on December 1st: bit.ly/faith-filled2023)
Happy listening! Sarah Let's connect! Join the facebook community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/sarahbcommunity) Grab your free copy of the Biblical Marketing Blueprint! My 6-step framework for selling your offers GOD's way: www.sarahbeisel.com/blueprint) Contact me: [email protected])