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This week's podcast episode is a little different as Nick and Matt will be introducing you to our brand new Ads Clinic! 'What's an Ad Clinic? ', we hear you ask. Imagine you're running your own Facebook Ads campaigns, and you feel you need some help but aren't in a position to hire an agency. Wouldn't it be great to be able to have someone who REALLY GETS Facebook Ads to dive in and have a look at your campaigns? Well that's pretty much what our Ads Clinic is.-----------------------To join our Lets Run Facebook Ads Facebook group click here: to explode your ad campaign results but don't know how? Whether you are running ads for your own business, or for your clients' we can help! Visit -
Thanks for listening! To join our Lets Run Facebook Ads Facebook group click here:
Follow me on Instagram to keep up to date with all the latest hacks: @nickboddington) You can now watch the episode on Youtube)!