On today's CoinMarketRecap with Connor Sephton, bankrupt Celsius abandons plans to rehire a former executive for $92,000 a month — as hundreds of thousands of customers remain empty handed. Voyager announces it'll allow cash to be withdrawn from its platform from Thursday, but there's no sign of when users will get crypto back. And breaking news as another crypto lender announces it's freezing withdrawals. Also today, crypto trader and influencer Andrew Tate is criticized for viral videos where he appears to endorse hitting women. British police warn the public as a man who invested $24,000 in a crypto scam is told his balance is now just $23. And we'll find out how Friday's sale of NFTiffs — digital passes for luxury pendants of CryptoPunks — ended up going. You can follow us on Twitter: @ConnorSephton and @CoinMarketCap.