3-5-21 AJ DailyQuality Carcass Spreads Turn Up Early, adapted from a release by Paul Dykstra, Certified Angus Beef, LLC. To read more, visit certifiedangusbeef.activehosted.com/index.p…1803ea5.Discovering True Carcass Value Webinar, adapted from a release by Certified Angus Beef, LLC. To learn more or to register, go to www.cabcattle.com/webinars/?vgo_ee…yq9acdSgULWaM%3D.Animal Scientist to Share How Traditional, Cell-based Meat can Work to Address Global Protein Demand, adapted from a release by Emily Solis, Animal Agriculture Alliance. More information can be found at animalagalliance.org/resource/anima…irtual-summit/.Embracing the Positives in Sustainable Cattle Production, adapted from a release by the National Cattlemen's Beef Association. To read more, visit www.ncba.org/newsreleases.aspx.Today's AJ Daily was compiled by Paige Nelson, field editor, Angus Journal. Visit AngusJournal.net ) for more and to subscribe.