3-31-21 AJ DailyBringing Relevance and Value to the Beef Industry, adapted from a release by Holly Martin, Angus Communications. http://www.angus.org/Pub/Newsroom/Releases/033021-mccullyatasas.aspx)Overcoming Your Herd’s Biggest Reproductive Obstacle, adapted from an article by Megan Silveira, Angus Journal. https://www.angusjournal.net/post/overcoming-your-herd-s-biggest-reproductive-obstacle)Farm Bureau Opposes Proposals to Eliminate Stepped-Up Basis and Impose Capital Gains Taxes at Death, adapted from a release by the American Farm Bureau Federation. https://www.fb.org/newsroom/farm-bureau-opposes-proposals-to-eliminate-stepped-up-basis-and-impose-capi)New Calf Care & Quality Assurance Program Launched, adapted from a release by the Beef Checkoff.https://www.calfcareqa.org/)Compiled by Paige Nelson, field editor, Angus Journal. For more Angus news, visit www.angusjournal.net.)
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