3-24-21 AJ DailyTimes, They Are A-Changin’, adapted from an article by Pat Melgares, Kansas State University. http://www.angusbeefbulletin.com/extra/2021/03mar21/0321fp_PandemicChanges.html)Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack on D.C. Circuit Court’s Decision Regarding ABAWDs Rule, adapted from a release by the USDA.https://www.usda.gov/media/press-releases/2021/03/24/statement-agriculture-secretary-tom-vilsack-dc-circuit-courts)Statement on AFBF’s John Newton Joining Senate Ag Committee Staff, adapted from a release by the American Farm Bureau Federation.https://www.fb.org/newsroom/statement-on-afbfs-dr.-john-newton-joining-senate-ag-committee-staff)Today's AJ Daily was compiled by Paige Nelson, field editor, Angus Journal.
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