3-19-21 AJ DailyEfficacy vs. Safety, adapted from an article by Heather Smith Thomas, Angus Beef Bulletin. http://www.angusbeefbulletin.com/extra/2021/02feb21/0221hn_B_VaccineType.html)Beltway Beef Podcast: An Industry Perspective on the *HAULS Act , *adapted from a release by the National Cattlemen's Beef Association. https://soundcloud.com/beltway-beef/an-industry-perspective-on-the-hauls-act)NFU Supports Farm Workforce Modernization Act, adapted from a release by Hannah Packman, National Farmers Union. https://nfu.org/2021/03/18/farm-workforce-modernization-act-creates-a-more-functional-compassionate-farm-labor-system/)Cattle on Feed Analyst Estimates, adapted from a report by Len Steiner, Steiner Consulting Group. http://www.dailylivestockreport.com/documents/dlr%2003-17-21.pdf)Today's AJ Daily was compiled by Paige Nelson, field editor, Angus Journal.
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