2-22-21 AJ DailyAre Your Cows Too Big? adapted from a release by Glenn Selk, Oklahoma State University. To read more, please visit http://www.angusbeefbulletin.com/extra/2021/01jan21/0121hn_CowSize.html. USCA Calls for the Halt of Namibian Beef Imports, adapted from a release by the United States Cattlemen's Association. For more information, go to https://mailchi.mp/uscattlemen/usca-calls-for-the-halt-of-namibian-beef-imports?e=b6955d0133. Statement on Change to Definition of 'Agricultural Products' in Reporting Trade Data, adapted from a release by the USDA. More information is available at https://www.usda.gov/media/press-releases/2021/02/19/statement-change-definition-agricultural-products-reporting-trade. Visit AngusJournal.net ) for more and to subscribe.