2-10-21 AJ DailyMaximizing your Membership — NJAA webinar announced. Adapted from a release by Karen Hiltbrand. For more information or to register for the webinar, visit https://angus.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_rlfCyBW3TEeCDg8l2EhuYw.Beef and Pork Exports in 2020. Adapted from a report by Len Steiner, Steiner Consulting Group. For the full report, please go to http://www.dailylivestockreport.com/documents/dlr%2002-09-21.pdf.Emergency Relief for Farmers of Color Act. Adapted from a release by the USDA. To read more, visit https://www.usda.gov/media/press-releases/2021/02/09/statement-katharine-ferguson-usda-chief-staff-emergency-relief#:~:text=It. Visit AngusJournal.net ) for more and to subscribe.