1. get a craving for 渴望某事 在访谈节目中,Chandler的妈妈说I just get this craving for Kung Pow Chicken. get craving for 非常渴望。。。另外她还说了中国名菜kung Pao Chicken 宫保鸡丁。很多在国外常见的中国餐就是音译了比如说点心dimsum 比如说炒面Chao Mian
2. out of one's shell 不再腼腆,不再害羞 3. dive 不入流的小酒馆 Ross一进餐馆的门就说,what is this dive? DIVE在俚语中是不入流的餐馆。如下图:)
4. lose track of 忘记,找不到 rachel和Paulo迟到了,她说we lost track of time 忘了时间了lose track of 两层意思1. forget about忘记John lost track of the money he spent.约翰忘了他花了多少钱。2.be unable to find; misplace找不到;错放I was so bored that I lost track of what he was saying.我烦透了,忘了他讲了些什么。 5. scum 人渣 Ross在无意亲吻了Chandler母亲后对Joey说I am scum. scum 本意是浮渣,糟粕,指人的话意思是人渣。 6. knockout 绝代佳人 听到大家夸Chandler的母亲漂亮,Joey不服气了,拿出一张照片说Now, here's a picture of my mother and father on their wedding day. Now you tell me she's not a knockout.knockout 俚语 引人注目轰动一时的人或物,绝代佳人 7. woozy 头晕的 刚从昏迷中苏醒的男人说Uh, a little woozy, but basically okaywoozy 头昏的,糊里糊涂的 8. spell out 解释说明 Joey从门镜里观察外面的情况说I've been standing here spelling it out for you! spell out 不仅可以当拼出什么来讲,也可以当向谁解释说明Be assertive and spell out exactly how you feel.要自信点儿,把自己的感受讲清楚。 9. go down that road 做特定的事情 Ross跟Chandler重归于好时说We don’t have to go down that road. 我们不要再重蹈覆辙了。go down that road 决定以某种方式做某事或做特定的事情