How do we get from, "We know we have to change," to "We're actually changing"? As a society, or even as individuals?
As you'll hear my guest Petra Bongartz say at the beginning of this episode, we've known* for a long time that we need to change – and yet, we haven't changed*.
Why not?
For Petra, the doorway to change is the body. If we don't address the patterns and stories in our bodies, which are THE way we experience and engage in the world, change is incredibly difficult. Petra works with somatic and Earth-based practices to help people move on from their old stories, find more clarity and inspiration, and feel resourced, so we can be changemakers in a joyful, meaningful and sustainable way.
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I'm grateful for this true conversation, this rich exchange, with a wise and beautiful soul.
More about Petra: In addition to movement practices, somatics, and connection with outer and inner nature, Petra has a background in international development work. All these have provided her with a "personal and professional learning laboratory when it comes to the question of: How do we create change on both individual and collective levels?" Based in South Africa, she also works with people online worldwide.
Shownotes & links to connect with Petra: